Saturday, September 12, 2009

Learn How to Solve Problems

I would like to learn how to solve problems. That may seem vague so I'll clarify. I think that bioengineers solve problems, just like mathematicians do. The difference is that problems can be solved using different methods. I want to learn to be able to see a problem, think of a way to solve it, and then put that plan into action.

For example let's say hypothetically that I see that the number of people driving automobiles without certain types of headrests tend to, when they get in an accident, have whiplash. I would recognize the problem as the lack of proper support in the headrest and try to design such a headrest for this automobile that could be tested to minimize potential spinal injury. Then I could take this design to a company and eventually get this put into those cars.

I want to have the skill of solving problems by creating designs and plans to be the solutions. That skill can be used in any field, and I think it is the most valuable skill for a person to have.

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